[pianotech] Abel naturals - report

Dale Erwin erwinspiano at aol.com
Tue Jul 20 09:05:57 MDT 2010


 Dale -If one thing has become apparent in our discussion of the "Natural " > felt is that many of us have had inconsistent results. It is the same > with all hammers to one degree or another. 
 Ron -Yes, to one degree or another, but it's nearly universally judged and reported without regard to soundboard construction - as if that were a baseline given. 
>Dale -    Ha, but this is why we must apply a variety of voicing techniques to > even out these inconsistencies. 
 Ron- Or choose a hammer more likely compatible with the soundboard and string scale, to avoid the near universal "just needs voicing" fallacy, which can easily lead to disappointing results on something different from the "standard" board and string scale. I really hate to see this stuff downplayed, because it is real and needs objective evaluation. 
 Dale-SO, of course it would be helpful for owner and tech if hammers are used that were not an arbitrary choice. Yeah, I get that and wasn't trying to downplay  this or be unkind either but I am knee deep with my involvement with Ray at Ronsen annd with my bias and all and if I land too hard my experience is dismissed as... biased. 
   Actually I have seen much inconsistency in hammers, set to set, as is witnessed by this thread and I don't believe it's all poor choice of hammers for soundboard style.
  So, I don't disagree that " just needs voicing" can be an excuse for the choice or the hammer... so how does the objective evaluation happen quantifiably in you mind.
 Lets do some
 by the way, my real bias is that over time we techs have been marketed to believe that a good hammer must be needled extensively to produce tone and be deemed a "Good Hammer".   rubbish. 

Ron N 

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