[pianotech] Sostenuto

RONALD SHIFLET rlshiflet at msn.com
Tue Jul 20 21:20:12 MDT 2010

It's hard for me to figure out what the problem is on the sostenuto rod without seeing it. With that in mind, I would do the following.

1. Make sure the dampers are working properly and are evenly adjusted.
2. Remove the sostenuto rod and make sure it is straight. Hold it up to the light and look up the rod towards the light. look for any signs of unstraightness. You may have to take a rag in your hand and gently massage the rod in any areas to make sure it is straight. 
3. Take a smaller straight edge such as a ruler or a straing held tight, hold it against the damper levers and see if they are straight. What you are checking for is the dampers lever blocks...check them to see if they are straight forward and backwards. You don't want any of them too far forward or too far backwards. Also, check to see if the tops of the damper blocks are level.
4. Lastly, reinstall the sostenuto rod(s). Then start checking the lift. It is possible to have it hold the tabs in some sections and not in others so you'll need to make sure each end of the rod is adjusted so as to be the correct distance away from the tabs. 

*Sometimes if you just have the rod missing a few tabs, you can adjust the lifter blocks by gently pulling forward or pushing backwards, the lifter block enough so that the rod lifts them all correctly.

*Be sure that the underlever screws are tight. It's possible you have loose screws and the underlevers are traveling out while traveling up.

*Remove the action, shine a light in the piano, take a video of the problem and post it on YouTube. Let us know, then we can correctly diagnose the problem.

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