[pianotech] Charging by job, or by hour?

William Monroe bill at a440piano.net
Wed Jul 21 21:16:44 MDT 2010

Variable pricing is only a problem if it's arbitrary - I think this is an
important point.  So little of our work is purely recipe fodder.  Also, I
think it's important that we give our customers a some credit.  If Mrs.
Jones Bridle strap job is pretty straightforward, maybe it reasonably costs
$X.  Maybe Mrs. James piano has already had it done once - awfully, and you
find you're going to have a barrel of fun removing the residue of the
previous job, maybe it reasonably should cost $1.5X.  Now what?  Two
prices.  Why?  Explain it, demonstrate it.  Big deal.  I find when I take
the time to educate my clients on what we're undertaking, they are more than
accepting of possible variances in costs from one situation to the next.  I
use an hours chart too, but I don't live by it.  If a job has unique
problems, it also has a unique price.  ;-]

William R. Monroe


> There are two reasons I have a chart of my work, based on how long it take
> me to do the work. First is to not cheat myself. I don't remember exactly
> how long it takes to do each job, so I have it written down. I look at the
> chart, and tell the customer it will cost $300 to replace a set of bridle
> straps. If she likes the price, we have a deal. If not, I know that I'm not
> going to loose money doing it for less. It is my choice to decide to reduce
> the amount, based on how hungry I am that week.
> The seond reason I use a chart is not to cheat my customers. When I quote
> Mrs. James $300 to replace the bridle straps, I want to make sure I quote
> the same figure to Mrs. Jones, because there is a chance that Mrs. James and
> Mrs. Jones are sister. If I quote Mrs. James $300 and Mrs. Jones $450, there
> will be questions I don't want to answer
> Wim
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