[pianotech] hammer heads unglued

Tom Servinsky tompiano at bellsouth.net
Tue Jul 27 01:51:54 MDT 2010

Yes, use the thinnest CA glue on the edges and directly around the wood molding.
Tom Servinsky
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Leslie Bartlett 
  To: pianotech at ptg.org 
  Sent: Tuesday, July 27, 2010 12:09 AM
  Subject: [pianotech] hammer heads unglued

  I have a church client with a bunch of Baldwin Hamiltons.  I'm replacing hammers on at least one with virtually all hammer felts ungled from the moldings.    If the heads have not actually come loose (as on another piano) can I some how prevent the hammers from separating?    (The church has significant humidity problems, and I'm putting damppchasers in all their uprights which are in areas where humidity is a real problem.)



  Les bartlett
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