The seller is a guy by the name of Steven Lewis -- his name is on the cd & he claims to be the author/seller. Don't know anything about him. Doesn't appear to be a ptg member. Checked out the auction because my tools were ripped off going through Chicago O'Hare airport a few years back. Never thought to look before, but wishful thinking thought they might have shown up on e-bay. I still miss those tools. Otto ----- Original Message ----- From: <stranges@Oswego.EDU> To: "College and University Technicians" <> Sent: Thursday, March 06, 2003 12:12 PM Subject: Re: Speaking of Piano Tech courses and books... > Heyyy... I LOVED Danny Boone's book. ("Regulating Grand Piano- Touch and > Tone") It was almost a novel rather than a piano tech. book. > Very thorough. > (Don't think it ever came out in hardcover.) > > :) > Michelle > > ps- is it me or does Schaff look like they are selling on ebay? > I went there the other day-typed in "piano tools"- and a huge list of > regulating tools were posted on there. The address of the seller was in the > Chicago area.. Hmmmm..... > > --On Thursday, March 6, 2003 4:08 PM -0500 Jeff Tanner > <> wrote: > > > Have any of you heard whether anyone is working on an up-to-date > > authoratative new book on piano technology? > > > > It seems all the old standards are going out of print and getting harder > > to come by -- especially in hard cover. I just bought a couple of used > > ones in good condition on ebay. But it seems that there hasn't been > > anything new published in over 25 years now, with the exception of Mr. > > Reblitz's revision, which is also getting harder to come by in hard cover. > > > > Just wondering. > > Jeff > > > > > > _______________________________________________ > > caut list info: > > > > > _______________________________________________ > caut list info:
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