This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ---------------------- multipart/alternative attachment Do you mean, the 7 foot model BB? Alan ____________________________________________ Alan McCoy, RPT Eastern Washington University 509-359-7017 -----Original Message----- From: []On Behalf Of Ed Sutton Sent: Tuesday, March 18, 2003 5:10 PM To: College and University Technicians Subject: 1974 M & H B Dear List- Has anyone on the list had experience rebuilding big M & H's of 1970's vintage. A piano teacher has a 1974 B in need of serious rebuilding or replacement. The action will need redesigning (there is nothing left of the old M & H action design) , it needs a new pinblock and probably wapin bridge pinning. The front bearing is ridiculously steep. Hell to tune and ugly, too. I'm wondering if I can grind away some of the plate or bearing bars to reduce it. The agraffes stop at G#3. I don't think this was the original B plate design, was it? Despite what amounts to a rape of a once wonderful design, there is still something magic in the sound of this instrument. If I do every good thing we can do for a piano, will it be a stable, dependable instrument, or will the problems start just to the other side of where I stop? I'd appreciate any words of wisdom and experience. Ed Sutton ---------------------- multipart/alternative attachment An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: ---------------------- multipart/alternative attachment--
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