[CAUT] hands & wrists

DIANE HOFSTETTER dianepianotuner@msn.com
Wed, 02 Nov 2005 21:20:00 -0800

I've been having trouble with my pounding hand.  Rubber finger tips from 
stationery stores, the kind that are used to count stacks of money, on my 
thumb, index finger and middle finger reduce the stress enourmously.  The 
only thing that could be better would be to be using them to count stacks of 
my money!

Plus interesting book on nutrition: Healing Arthritis the Natural Way by 
Luke Bucci, Ph.D.  Just started reading it.   Meanwhile looking for 


Diane Hofstetter

----Original Message Follows----
From: Phil Bondi <phil@philbondi.com>
Reply-To: College and University Technicians <caut@ptg.org>
To: College and University Technicians <caut@ptg.org>
Subject: Re: [CAUT] hands & wrists
Date: Wed, 02 Nov 2005 06:32:18 -0500

I concur with Jan Blees - BIOFREEZE has been a wonderful find for my carpal 
tunnel - coupled with  the supplement Super Flex..both available from my 

Otto - I can't recommend more strongly that you find BIOFREEZE where you 
live. I carry some with me in my briefcase for those instances(becoming less 
frequent now) where after working on a piano, I can feel my carpal tunnel 
starting to act up. It doesn't prevent me from doing my job, ever, but just 
the fact that "a little dab'll do ya" makes that brief instance of 
discomfort go away quickly.

-Phil Bondi(Fl)

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