[CAUT] Kawai Regulation

Avery Todd atodd@uh.edu
Fri, 04 Nov 2005 10:09:47 -0600

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Shigeru Kawai key dip spec is 10.3 mm. & I kind of imagine the others 
are also.


At 09:49 AM 11/4/2005, you wrote:

>On Nov 4, 2005, at 9:33 AM, 
><<mailto:lafargue@bellsouth.net>lafargue@bellsouth.net> wrote:
>>Key dip is approx 3/8".
>I wondered if this might be the case.  Don didn't mention what the 
>spec was, but I'd say 3/8" is waaaay shallow.  The shallower the 
>dip, the less movement the backcheck makes during travel, so what's 
>happening is to get the hammer to check anywhere inside of an inch, 
>you're having to regulate the backchecks too close to the tails at 
>rest, causing them to catch on the way up, and yes, they might even 
>catch on the way down.
>>  Sorry Ron, I still can't see how checking height would affect
>It's a combination of checking height and too shallow of dip.  I 
>think most Asian pianos use 10 mm, but I don't have a block for 
>that, and I'm not sure what the exact conversion to inches is.  Most 
>of the time, I shoot for somewhere closer to 13/32" in Asian pianos, 
>and that usually works.
>Jeff Tanner, RPT
>University of South Carolina

Avery Todd, RPT
Moores School of Music
University of Houston
Houston, TX 77204-4017 

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