[CAUT] Broadwood Temperament

Ron Nossaman rnossaman@cox.net
Mon, 21 Nov 2005 12:19:26 -0600

> I once had a circa 1830, 7'9" Broadwood piano that had a number of steps in
> the string lengths in the middle of the scale.  The string lengths did not
> follow a smooth curve, but had little irregular jogs in them.  Bridges were
> original.  Does anyone know if these are related to some preferred
> temperament, or were they just to accommodate changes in wire size?  A
> rebuilder has the piano now, and I doubt he has done anything with it so far.
> Sincerely,  Jim Ellis

Hi Jim,

The jogs were likely at wire size changes. I took a scale from a 
Young Chang like that, which appears to be an attempt at an equal 
tension scale.

Ron N

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