According to their price list, Steinway does not sell a replacement keybed. Ed S. -----Original Message----- >From: Dave Doremus <algiers_piano at> >Sent: Mar 1, 2007 8:17 AM >To: Pianotech List <pianotech at>, College and University Technicians <caut at> >Subject: Keybed repair > >Has anyone repaired/replaced a Steinway keybed? I have a model B, 20 >years old, that was flooded up to the keyframe. The soundboard is >still in amazingly good shape. It needs complete new action, keys, >dampers, strings, tuning pins, finish work etc, etc. All that is >massive but fairly normal. What Im worried about is that it looks >like the keybed has swollen, opening about a 3/16" gap between the >rail and stiles in the treble end. There are no gaps at the belly >rail or stretcher. It almost seems as if the rim has spread apart a >bit at the bottom but not the top. The rim is intact, no cracks or >gaps. I have not tried applying any clamps yet, Im still figuring out >whether or not to attempt anything at all. The owner would really >like to save it if at all possible, having heard all my usual >warnings about the long term viability of the instrument after >exposure to that kind of moisture. Advice? >-- >----Dave > > >----------------------------- >Dave Doremus, RPT >New Orleans >------------------------------
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