Baldwin SF Grand and hazardous environment

Ron Nossaman nossaman@SOUTHWIND.NET
Sat, 04 Dec 1999 19:48:38 -0600

> I can't think of anything much more offensive that having someone smoke at
> close range while I'm working on their piano.
> Brian Henselman, RPT
> Austin, TX 78749

I can - like the Bug Buster coming in the room and spraying lethal s*** around
the room perimeter, and the legs of the furniture, and the piano, and the
tuner. I pulled my strips, told the owner to call me to reschedule (with an
added service call) when the air cleared, and left. She called, apologized,
rescheduled, paid, and has been a steady and very considerate customer ever
since. I guess it just hadn't occurred to her up to that point that service
people were living things too and should be treated as such. Turns out, she's
OK once I got her attention.

As for smokers, the house is terminally poisoned already even if they
heroically refrain for the time you're in the house. It's a matter of personal

Ron N

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