[pianotech] Stolen Tools

Larry Fisher RPT larryf at pacifier.com
Fri Dec 4 08:17:51 MST 2009

Locally, the tech community was alerted through the local chapter newsletter 
email list.  A few days/weeks later a local tech was called and asked if 
he'd like to purchase.  An appointment was made, with a plain clothes cop as 
a witness.

Contact the pawn shops, call the cops, get some support from the email 
community, watch eBay and Craigslist, set up a sting and burn em'.

BTW, cransters don't have any feelings.  They're pleasure centers have been 
so methed with that they don't have a conscience or any connection with what 
wrong is anymore.  You can pound on them with a Louisville slugger and their 
heart just keeps beating so physical punishment or mental punishment is out 
of the picture here.  Making them go with out meth for 10 years doesn't work 
either.  Personally I think they ought to all be thrown into a rat and snake 
infested poison ivy pit and left to rot.

and you can quote me on that!!!

Larry Fisher RPT 12/4/09 
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