[pianotech] Replacing plastic elbows

Ron Nossaman rnossaman at cox.net
Tue Dec 8 12:51:34 MST 2009

Gerald Groot wrote:
> *I've replaced literally thousands and thousands probably tens of 
> thousands of these stupid plastic elbows over the years.  What a dumb 
> design.  *

Is that the only dumb design you've seen in pianos? And look 
at all that money you made replacing them, then replacing them 

> *You mean to tell me that none of you people have experienced any of the 
> replacment sets breaking again either from faulty material which there 
> was a lot of during one period of time many years ago or, as they aged 
> again?  

In my case, never. Not one in 30+ years. Nor do I recall 
anyone else mentioning any actual failures until now. I've 
seen a lot of them that had to be cleaned up, and flashing 
trimmed and such, and a few that came loose because someone 
didn't clean them up and didn't get them snapped in right, but 
not a single broken replacement after installation in the 
thousands I've also seen.

> *Yat Lam Hong has been recommending using only wooden ones for 30 
> years.  Perhaps for the same reason as me.*

Objection - blatant speculation!
Ron N

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