[pianotech] Pre-tuning preparation

Jim Busby jim_busby at byu.edu
Thu Dec 10 11:45:32 MST 2009

Hi Al,

It depends. "Prep" should take 5-10 minutes, really. And I have timed it, many, many times. But, time is relative. I feel my time is valuable, but I never find it wasted time when I talk with a widow that just needs to talk. Part of this business is great friendships and the love I have for clients. One recently painted me a forest scene, and when my wife saw it she thought it was pretty mediocre, until she learned that the client is terminally ill and barely able to paint. It now hangs on my bedroom wall. So... I'd say five to ten minutes for the "stuff", and whatever time you can afford for the more important things.

f you've taken my classes you'd know how I time EVERYTHING. From the elevator closing, to the time it takes me to do letoff, etc. If your kit is well organized and you have a "routine" down. 5 - 10. But NOT on the first visit, where you "tune the client".

Jim Busby

From: pianotech-bounces at ptg.org [mailto:pianotech-bounces at ptg.org] On Behalf Of Al Guecia/AlliedPianoCraft
Sent: Thursday, December 10, 2009 10:28 AM
To: Pianotech List
Subject: [pianotech] Pre-tuning preparation

I know we've talked recently about how long it take everyone to tune a piano. My problem is getting ready to tune a piano. Greeting the customer, getting all the tools I need out of my bag, taking a reading on the temp and hum, taking a reading of the piano for my ETD, writing all the info on their bill, etc, etc. It's taking me about 15 to 20 minutes. What do you all do? How much time does it take everyone to get ready to tune? Am I wasting to much time?


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