[pianotech] old piano

Marshall Gisondi pianotune05 at hotmail.com
Sat Dec 12 17:56:43 MST 2009

Hi Jer,

I agree with you and David from Washington.  I'm sure hoping I can replace these pianos for them, and hoping even more that I can gain their trust enough and interest in the idea.  I'm not certain how to work out details at getting a piano moved to them in an affordable way and what to do with the older ones.  The two worst pianos they have are a Kronich and Bach hope I spelled that correctly, and the Ivers & Pond both grand pianos.  The Kimball and Everette seem decent enough but need some work like regulation. I'd say they should invest in those eventually.  Their newest one is a petroff that I'm doing some action work on, fixing a loose hammer and trying to fix that odd sounding A that dampens with a hard blow but plays fine with a soft medium blow.  


Well thanks again. I hope everyone is ready for Santa.  

Marshall Gisondi Piano Technician
Marshall's Piano Service
pianotune05 at hotmail.com
Graduate of The School of Piano Technology for the Blind www.pianotuningschool.org Vancouver, WA

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