[pianotech] Bosey and DC install--undercover question

Diane Hofstetter dianepianotuner at msn.com
Tue Dec 15 19:02:03 MST 2009

Did you install anundercover as well?
Joe Goss BSMusEd MMusEd RPT
imatunr at srvinet.com

  No, I haven't installed an undercover--yet.  There were discrepencies about whether one could be installed over the under-beam DC installation.  The first, enthusiastically affirmative reply from DC tech support encouraged me to make the sale. 
  Then I saw on the website that it can't be installed over an under-the-beams installation.  Finally, Randy in technical support at  DC, said that it could be, but wasn't recommended for first time undercover installers--that's me.
  I would like to have a nice, controlled environment in that piano because of the extreme pitch swings I have been dealing with.
  Does anyone have any suggestions re: an undercover over the under the beams installation.  
Over and out....
Diane Hofstetter 		 	   		  

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