[pianotech] Chickering Grand Pianaola

Herbotune at aol.com Herbotune at aol.com
Wed Dec 30 05:32:43 MST 2009

The missing valve is used primarily for the repeat function of the AMPICO  
system. I have the tubing schematic for this device, if you would like it. 
If the AMPICO is not functioning, the pump cutout is probably locked on, so 
 that no vacuum reaches the notes. Does the piano roll go forward at a high 
rate  of speed with no apparent tempo control? If it does, the pump Cutout 
is locked  on. This may or may not be caused by the missing valve. Check the 
drawer tubing  underneath and look for unhooked or broken tubes. One of 
these tubes is the pump  cutout, and it could be unhooked or broken.
Good luck. I may have a valve for replacement.
Herb Lindahl, RPT
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