Bridge Pin Height Regulation, was: More, More (was Re:TharShe Blows!)

Fri, 23 May 2003 07:45:48 -0400

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Comments below:

> At 9:46 PM -0400 5/22/03, Farrell wrote:
> >Another thing to keep in mind with epoxy - it relies on a mechanical=20
> >bond between wood and epoxy and between metal and epoxy. It is=20
> >recommended by West System that when bonding with epoxy to metal=20
> >that the metal surface be sanded rough, coated with thin epoxy, and=20
> >the epoxy sanded into the metal for the most secure bond.
> Oh boy, this sounds like a job for a compulsive-obsessive!
> >A nice new shiny bridge pin is not likely to establish a good bond=20
> >to epoxy. I can chip epoxy off any glossy surface real easy when I=20
> >get waste on it - my floor, table top, etc.
> Are we really depending on the epoxy to glue the pin in the hole? I=20
> thought we just wanted a tight fit, using epoxy's gap-filling=20
> abilities. A pin in a raw maple hole isn't being glued in.

This response was related to Richard B.'s post describing a method of =
installing bridge pins into a hole larger than the bridge pin. I assume =
here that "a pin in a raw maple hole" means a snug fit.
> Bill Ballard RPT
> NH Chapter, P.T.G.

> Bonding wood to steel isn't the intent here, merely zero clearance =
> Toward that end, I still prefer at least a light drive fit regardless =
> the addition of CA, epoxy, or nothing at all.

> Ron N

No, but list contributors have posted previously about pins being bonded =
permanently into bridge pin holes. I was just trying to spread a fun =
fact about epoxy (useful at slow dinner parties).

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